Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me tell you, folks, we’re doing something YUGE—something NOBODY has ever seen before! We’re talking about sucking an ananas—a tremendous, spiky, tough, beautiful ananas—right through a garden hose. Believe me, the experts said, “Sir, it’s impossible!” But you know what? We don’t listen to the losers and naysayers. We’ve got AMERICAN INGENUITY, folks. The best hoses, the best pineapples—people are calling it “Project Juice Stream,” and it’s going to be UNBELIEVABLE.

We’re gonna have strength, power, and pressure like you’ve never seen. China’s tried it? Total disaster! Europe? They’re laughing at them. But under MY leadership, we’re gonna WIN! We’ll suck that pineapple so fast, so smooth—you’ll say, “Mr. Trump, how’d you do it?!” And I’ll say, “Simple: WE MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Thank you, and GOD BLESS THE GARDEN HOSES! 🇺🇸🍍💦